Hackathon Live on

Runs from

Sep 21 - 22, 2023



National Level Hackathon

Application Close In

20th September 2023


Day 1

  1. Check-In: Participants arrive, check in, and receive their event materials.
  2. Welcome Address: Organizers introduce the hackathon, its schedule, and any important announcements.
  3. Theme Explanation: Hackathon theme and any sub-themes are presented.
  4. Coding Begins: Teams start developing their projects from scratch.
  5. Mentors Availability: Mentors are available to offer guidance, answer questions, and provide technical assistance.
  6. Progress Check: Teams provide a brief update on their progress and any challenges faced.
  7. Continued Development: Teams continue coding, focusing on implementing core features.
  8. Lunch Break: Participants take a break to recharge and socialize.
  9. Development Sprint: Teams work intensively to build, refine, and test their projects.
  10. Design and UX: Focus on creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.
  11. Final Touches: Teams finalize their projects, perform thorough testing, and fix any last-minute issues.
  12. Submit Projects: Submit Projects and teams prepare their pitch presentations for the next day.

Day 2

  1. Final Presentation: Organizers provide tasks on the same day related to a project, and all participating teams have to work on that task.
  2. After a few hours and work on a task each team presents their project to the judges, followed by a Q&A session.
  3. Judging: Judges evaluate each project based on the criteria and select winners.
  4. Refreshment Break: Participants enjoy refreshments while judges deliberate and select winners.
  5. Awards Ceremony: Winners are announced, and prizes are distributed.
  6. Networking and Celebration: Participants and winners celebrate their achievements, exchange contact information, and network with mentors and fellow participants.

Remember that the schedule and specific activities may vary depending on the hackathon's structure and goals. Staying organized, collaborating effectively with your team, and making the most of the available resources and support will significantly contribute to your success during the 2-day event.


Smart City

Health Care Solutions


Crowd Management & Safety

Education Sector

Sustainable Energy



Welcome to CodeEnergia 2023, a thrilling coding Hackathon that brings together the brightest minds in the tech world! This two-day event is designed to challenge and inspire developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts to collaborate, innovate, and create groundbreaking projects. From crafting cutting-edge websites and mobile applications to competing in intense coding challenges, CodeEnergia is the ultimate platform for showcasing your skills and pushing the boundaries of technology.

Event Highlights:

  1. Theme: Anyone Can Code

    In the digital age, the lines between the virtual and physical worlds are blurring. CodeEnergia's theme, "Anyone Can Code," invites participants to explore how technology can connect these realms to enhance human experiences.

  2. Categories:
    • Website Development: Participants will craft immersive websites that embody the theme of bridging realities. From interactive user interfaces to augmented reality integrations, creativity knows no bounds.
    • Mobile Application Development: In this category, participants will design and develop mobile apps that bring together real and virtual experiences. Whether it's enhancing social interactions or simplifying everyday tasks, innovation is key.
    • Coding Competition: For the coding purists, the competition category presents a series of challenging algorithmic and programming problems. Put your problem-solving skills to the test and earn the title of "Coding Champion."
  3. Judges and Mentors:

    Our panel of judges consists of distinguished professionals from various tech fields. They will evaluate projects based on creativity, technical excellence, and alignment with the theme.

    Mentors from leading tech companies will be available throughout the event to offer guidance, share insights, and help participants overcome challenges.Winners Judge by -

    1. Functionality:
      • Does the project work as intended?
      • Do all features and functionalities perform as expected?
      • Are there any critical bugs or errors that affect usability?
    2. Creativity and Innovation:
      • How creatively did you address the given theme or problem?
      • Did you introduce innovative ideas or technologies in your solution?
      • Does your project offer a unique approach or perspective?
    3. Technical Excellence:
      • Is the code well-structured, modular, and organized?
      • Do you follow coding best practices and conventions?
      • Are algorithms and data structures used efficiently and appropriately?
    4. User Experience (UX):
      • How intuitive and user-friendly is the interface?
      • Is the user flow smooth and engaging?
      • Have you considered accessibility and responsiveness?
    5. Problem Solving:
      • Did you successfully solve the core problem or address the challenge?
      • Have you considered edge cases and potential issues?
    6. Performance and Efficiency:
      • Does the project run smoothly and respond quickly?
      • Have you optimized your code to ensure efficient resource usage?
      • Is the project scalable for potential future growth?
    7. Collaboration and Teamwork:
      • Did each team member contribute effectively to the project?
      • How well did the team communicate and work together?
      • Did you leverage the strengths of each team member?
    8. Future Potential:
      • Can your project be extended or developed further beyond the hackathon?
      • Have you thought about how it could be applied in real-world scenarios?
  4. How to Participate:

    Visit our official website,

    www.hackathon.sakshamdigitaltechnology.com, to register, find detailed information about the event, and learn more about the categories, schedule, and prizes.

CodeEnergia 2023 is your opportunity to make a lasting impact on the world of technology. Join us as we merge realities, forge connections, and shape the future together!


A hackathon is an intensive event where participants collaborate to create innovative solutions to specific challenges or problems within a limited timeframe, often using technology and coding.

This hackathon is open to all college, and school students with varying levels of experience in coding, design, and technology.

  • If you are doing website development then you can do it with a maximum of 4 team members and you can also do it alone.
  • If you are competing for mobile app development then you can do it with maximum 4 team members and you can also do it alone.
  • If you want to go to a coding competition then only a single person can participate.

  • Laptop and Charger
  • Personal Identification
  • Extension Cords and Power Strips
  • Notebook and Pen
  • Food and Water
  • Cables and Adapters
  • Presentation Materials
  • You will download all the software to be used.

  • Innovation and Creativity: Hackathons often encourage participants to come up with innovative and creative solutions. The objective might be to develop unique mobile apps, websites, or coding projects that address specific challenges or problems.
  • Skill Development: Hackathons are great opportunities to enhance your coding skills, whether it's mobile app development, web development, or coding in general. The objective could be to challenge participants to push their boundaries and learn new technologies.
  • Networking: Participants have the chance to meet like-minded individuals, potential mentors, industry professionals, and potential employers. The objective might be to create a platform for networking and building connections.
  • Problem-Solving: Many hackathons present real-world problems or scenarios that participants need to address through their projects. The objective might be to foster problem-solving skills and encourage participants to think critically.
  • Time Management and Pressure Handling: Hackathons often have tight timeframes, which can help participants learn how to manage their time effectively and work under pressure. The objective is to simulate real-world project deadlines.
  • Collaboration: In team-based hackathons, collaboration is essential. The objective could be to encourage teamwork, communication, and cooperation among participants with diverse skill sets. Prototyping and Rapid Development: Hackathons usually prioritize speed in development. The objective might be to challenge participants to create functional prototypes of mobile apps, websites, or coding projects within a short timeframe.
  • Showcasing Skills: The final presentations or demos give participants a chance to showcase their projects and skills. The objective might be to provide a platform for participants to present their work to judges, mentors, and other participants.
  • Learning from Others: Hackathons often feature workshops, mentors, and presentations by experts. The objective could be to provide participants with opportunities to learn from industry professionals and experienced developers.
  • Prizes and Recognition: Many hackathons offer prizes, awards, or recognition for the best projects. The objective might be to motivate participants to put in their best effort and compete for valuable rewards.
  • Visit Website - https://hackathon.sakshamdigitaltechnology.com/

    Participation certificate, pool price of 50000/-, exciting gift vouchers, and much more.

    • Student Status Verification: Participants need to provide valid proof of their student status, such as a student ID or enrollment certificate, to confirm their eligibility.
    • Educational Institution: Participants must be currently enrolled in a recognized educational institution (school, college, university).
    • Team Composition: Outline whether participants need to form teams with fellow students from the same institution or if cross-institutional teams are allowed.
    • Faculty Advisors or Mentors: Mention if participants are allowed to have faculty advisors or mentors from their institutions to guide them during the hackathon.
    • Project Scope: Detail any guidelines related to the scope of projects. For instance, projects should be related to technology, coding, or design.
    • Academic Integrity: Emphasize the importance of maintaining academic integrity and ethics. Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty might lead to disqualification.
    • Intellectual Property: Clarify the intellectual property rights and ownership of projects, especially if students are using their institution's resources.
    • Project Documentation: Require participants to document their projects' development process, challenges faced, and solutions implemented.
    • Student ID during the Event: Participants might be required to carry their student IDs during the event for verification purposes.


    Aman Sharma


    (CSE SIRT)

    Arpit Gohley



    Amit Seth


    (CSE SIRT)

    Noor Alam


    (IT SIRT)

    Disha Jain


    (CSE MITS)

    Ayushi Sable


    (CSE SIRT)

    Sarika Shrivastava


    (CSE SIRT)

    Anshika Tomar


    (CSE SIRT)

    Govind Varshney


    (CSE SIRT)



    (IT SIRT)



    (IT SIRT)

    Vibhuti Gautam


    (CSE SIRT)

    Adiba Ahmad


    (CSE SIRT)

    Anshika Pal


    (CSE SIRT)

    Vishnu Pratap Singh Rajput






    Prince Pandey


    (CSE SIRT)

    Ankit Maurya


    (CSE SIRT)



    (IT SIRT)

    Diya Jain


    (CSE SIRT)



    (CSE SIRT)

    Anurag Yadav


    (CSE SIRT)